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Goph ZaChuek


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 165 vendredi 10 juin 2011, 00:17:54

Artiste: Alice Cooper

Chanson: The Saga Of Jesse Jane

Album: Dirty Diamonds (2005)

I'm in jail in a Texas town
In my sister's wedding gown
I drive a truck all night long
Listening to Judy Garland songs

Now I'm locked behind bars of steel
I was just looking for a happy meal
I park my rig and I went inside
They've never seen such a pretty bride

Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just a normal guy
Who dresses like a butterfly
Jesse Jane

I paid my bill and I turned around
Facing every red neck in that one horse town
His face was red. His fist was clenched
He threw his coke and he got me drenched

Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just an average Joe
Looking for a fashion show
Jesse Jane

Well, I guess that was the final straw
I pulled a pistol from my Wonderbra
I killed him dead. I killed 'em all
And they finally caugh me in the bathroom stall

And now I'm doing ten to life
But I'll tell you one thing, Bubba
Someday I'm gonna make someone in here
A hell of a wife

Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just a average guy
Who dresses like a butterfly
Jesse Jane

Jesse Jane, are you insane?
Or are you just a Peter Pan
Looking for his Neverland
Jesse Jane

Pas très glorieux, comme chanson mais je l'ai trouvée marrante. XD Et on dirait que j'aime bien les petites balades pseudo-country de ce grene. =X

Nombres de demoiselles servies: 3

Adelheid Friedrich


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 166 vendredi 17 juin 2011, 23:42:47

°^° Mah, épique !

Falkenbach - Vanadis

Mounted men, with axe and shield
on their ride through shallow field
See your sons, oh Vanadis
Light my ways, oh Manalihs...

Freyja's Val
Odin's half

Oaken woods as dark as night
Home of those of heathen pride
Grant me strength, oh Asynja
Be my guide, oh Valfreyja

Freyja's Val
Vingolfs's pride

Herjan !
When the moon shines bright from the dark black sky
We raise our swords to thy hail
when the runes are thrown and the ravens fly
as a sign of our heathens prevail

While the morning breaks through Tenkterian wood
while the sun sets the shores aflame
There is one thing only which never dies
The honour of thy name
Foraan !

By my side my brothers fall
Now on their way to Freya's hall
We are yours oh Vanadis
Guide their ways oh Manalihs

Hjer Foraan

Herjan !
While twilight covers the blood red skies
While the sun sets the shores aflame
There is one thing only which never dies
The honour of thy name

When time draws near for the chosen ones
To fall on the blood stained fields
Then death will grant us a place amongst
Our fathers in the halls of bronzen shields

A burning flame as white as ice
Now I can see it in your eyes
Be my fate, oh Vanadis
Through the nights, oh Manalihs...
{ T h è m e } - { F i c h e }

Mens vinteren er stille hvit og mens våren er golden sollys
Den gamle vandreren går mens høsten er blodig rød, evig og evig

Nausicaä Yakumo


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 167 samedi 18 juin 2011, 08:56:50

Fuck You - Archive

There’s a look on your face I would like to knock out
See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth
All I want is to see you in terrible pain
Though we won’t ever meet I remember your name
Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway
You are scum, you are scum and I hope that you know
That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show
Now the world needs to see that it’s time you should go
There’s no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow
Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can, so fuck you anyway
Bet you sleep like a child with your thumb in your mouth
I could creep up beside put a gun in your mouth
Makes me sick when I hear all the shit that you say
So much crap coming out it must take you all day
There’s a space kept in hell with your name on the seat
With a spike in the chair just to make it complete
When you look at yourself do you see what I see
If you do why the fuck are you looking at me

Why the fuck are you looking on me mmmh
Why the fuck are you looking
Why the fuck why the fuck are you looking at me x2

There’s a time for us all and I think yours has been
Can you please hurry up cos I find you obscene
We can’t wait for the day that you’re never around
When that face isn’t here and you rot underground
Can’t believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to god I can think of a nice thing to say
But I don’t think I can so fuck you anyway

So fuck you anyway x11

Lyra AlThor


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 168 lundi 20 juin 2011, 00:28:59

Musique !

Okey !
C'est Tj Soundz en mode Soka Jump Style.
C'est pas compliqué, il suffit juste de Sauteeeeer.

Refrain :

Attention TOUT LE MONDE ;
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Tout l'monde se met à danser, tout le monde se met à sauter.
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Nous on vas montré au Dj qu'on est toujours pas fatigué !

1° couplet :

On est la pour mettre l'ambiance,
tout le monde dans la cadence,
On n'va pas s'arrêter,
ça ne fais que commencer.

Le Dj est motivé,
tout le monde est préparé,
On est pas fatigué et se soir on va JUMPEEER !

Refrain :

Attention TOUT LE MONDE ;
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Tout l'monde se met à danser , tout le monde se met à sauter .
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Nous on vas montrer au Dj qu'on est toujours pas fatigué !

2° couplet :

L'ambiance est à son Maximum,
On passe une bonne soirée
La (mot incompris) et ça cartonne,
Le Dj n'arrête pas d'en jouer.
Hey mec, franchement pour les paroles tu t'es pas foulé !
Man les paroles on s'en Cogne
Ce S0N c'est fais pour s'éclateeeer .

Refrain :

Attention TOUT LE MONDE ;
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Tout l'monde se met à danser , tout le monde se met à sauter .
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Nous on vas montrer au Dj qu'on est toujours pas fatigué !

Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
( plus vite ) → Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !

3° Couplet :

Ce soir on est dans la place,
décidé à s'amuser.
On me tend un Wisky Glace,
mais j'ai cesser d'picoler.
Pour l'euphorie c'est une basse,
une batterie et (mot incompris),
ça y est le rythme est lancé,
perso je n'peux plus m'arrêter.

Hey gros tu sait dire que ça ou quoi ?
Bah ouais et on remet ça !

Refrain :

SSautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Tout l'monde se met à danser , tout le monde se met à sauter .
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Nous on vas montrer au Dj qu'on est toujours pas fatigué !

Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Tout l'monde se met à danser , tout le monde se met à sauter .
Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez ! Sautez !
Nous on vas montrer au Dj qu'on est toujours pas fatigué !

DJ Soundz - Trampoline.

(Quelques petites incompréhensions dans les paroles, mais le tout me fait bien marrer tellement c'est con)

Itami no Kyô


  • -
  • Messages: 2817

  • FicheChalant

    Entité chaotique mi-Dieu, mi-chieur, mi-playboy. Ça fait beaucoup de moitiés, c'est parce qu'il est très grand.

Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 169 vendredi 24 juin 2011, 21:17:04

Rise Against - Re-Education (through labour)

To the sound of a heartbeat pounding away
To the rhythm of the awful rusted machines
We toss and turn but don't sleep
Each breath we take makes us thieves
Like causes without rebels
Just talk but promise nothing else

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
The sometimes dreams just don't come true
We wait to reap what we are due

To the rhythm of a time bomb ticking away
And the blare of the sirens combing the streets
Chased down like dogs we run from
Your grasp until the sun comes up

We crawl on our knees for you
Under a sky no longer blue
We sweat all day long for you
But we sow seeds to see us through
The sometimes dreams just don't come true
Look now at what they've done to you

White needles buried in the red
The engine roars and then it gives
But never dies
'Cuz we don't live
We just survive
On the scraps that you throw away

I won't crawl on my knees for you
I won't believe the lies that hide the truth
I won't sweat one more drop for you
'Cuz we are the rust upon your gears
We are the insects in your ears
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl...all over you

We sow the seeds to see us through
Our days are precious and so few
We all reap what we are due
A judge's sky no longer blue
We bring the dawn all over new
We crawl
We crawl
We crawl...all over you!
Œil pour œil, dent pour dent.
Deuil pour deuil, sang pour sang.
Je purifie les maux par le feu,
je purifie le feu par les mots.

Your sorrow, your past, your path, your wrath. No justice, no prophets, no master, no regrets.



Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 170 samedi 25 juin 2011, 13:23:19

Didier Super : Comme Un Enfant Au Brésil

Toi l'enfant, t'es comme un adulte normal
Sauf que toi , tu ne sers a rien
T'es pas autonome , t'es assisté par tes parents
Ben moi les gens comme toi , j'te les renvoie dans leurs pays

Les enfants , ça sert a rien !
Faut les brûler !!
Comme au Brésil

Et tout les jours tu nous fais des petits dessins
Des petits bonshommes des maisons et des soleils
On te dit jamais rien sinon après tu chiales
Mais en fait tout tes dessins c'est enfaite vraiment de la merde

Les enfants ils ont pas de talent !
faut les brûler !!
Comme au brésil

Pis tu dis a tout le monde que quand tu seras grand
tu vas devenir cascadeur, vétérinaire ou bien pilote de chasse
Mais déjà trouve toi du boulot
Et après on en reparle

Les enfants ils sont prétentieux
Faut les brûler !
Comme au brésil

Et toi le petit chinois qui bosse à l'usine
tu es vraiment inconséquent
Ton contrat de travail tu l'négocies tellement mal
Que du coup ça se répercute sur mon système social

Les enfants... et merde ! et normalement c'est guitare là
C'est guitare !!! 1,2,3,4

Les enfants faut les brûler comme au brésil
faut les priver de dessert comme en Afrique
faut les rendre encore plus content que leurs parents comme chez nous

Quand un vieux monsieur te fait l'amour
même si t'as pas forcément l'âge pour y prendre goût
c'est pas marrant pour un vieux
qu'on lui rappelle son âge
alors sois poli et simules !

Kit by fothermucking Frig !

Itami no Kyô


  • -
  • Messages: 2817

  • FicheChalant

    Entité chaotique mi-Dieu, mi-chieur, mi-playboy. Ça fait beaucoup de moitiés, c'est parce qu'il est très grand.

Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 171 lundi 27 juin 2011, 19:31:55

Break it down like you know it's loaded
I got it cocked and loaded
I got a sickness to feed

So break it down like you're undevoted
Don't need a fucking motive
I hope you're ready to bleed

Everybody down on the motherfucking floor right now
I ain't messing around motherfucker, now
Everybody down on the motherfucking floor right now

I want your violence
Motherfucker show me your violence
Give me your violence
Motherfucker show me your violence

Break it down now the blood is flowing
The body count is growing
I love the sound of the screams

So break it down with the system blowing
And feel the sickness growing
It's like a fucking disease

Everybody down on the motherfucking floor right now
I ain't messing around motherfucker, now
Everybody down on the motherfucking floor right now

I want your violence
Motherfucker show me your violence
Give me your violence
Motherfucker show me your violence

So break it down!
Motherfucker break it down!
Motherfucker break it down!
Motherfucker break it down!

Dope - Violence

Chanson tellement calme, tellement douce, et si romantique...
Œil pour œil, dent pour dent.
Deuil pour deuil, sang pour sang.
Je purifie les maux par le feu,
je purifie le feu par les mots.

Your sorrow, your past, your path, your wrath. No justice, no prophets, no master, no regrets.

Adelheid Friedrich


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 172 mardi 28 juin 2011, 00:47:39

Carpathian Forest - A Forest
( cover d'une chanson incontournable de The Cure par un groupe de Black Metal,
bien qu'on dirait pas comme ça, et c'est un très bon groupe de Black Metal par ailleurs )

Come closer and see
See into the trees
Find the girl
While you can
Come closer and see
See into the dark
Just follow your eyes
Just follow your eyes...

I hear her voice
Calling my name
The sound is deep
In the dark
I hear her voice
And start to run
Into the trees
Into the trees...

Suddenly I stop
But i know it's too late
I'm lost in a forest
All alone
The girl was never there
It's always the same
I'm running towards nothing
...again and again and again...
{ T h è m e } - { F i c h e }

Mens vinteren er stille hvit og mens våren er golden sollys
Den gamle vandreren går mens høsten er blodig rød, evig og evig



Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 173 mardi 28 juin 2011, 19:06:29

Artiste : Glen Hansard

Titre : " Everytime "

Notice me
Take my hand
Why are we
Strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?

Everytime i try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess i need you baby
And everytime i see you in my dreams
I see your face, it's haunting me
I guess i need you baby

I make believe
That you are here
It's the only way
I see clear
What have i done?
You seem to move on easy

Everytime i try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess i need you baby
And everytime i see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess i need you baby

I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song is my sorry


At night i pray
That soon your face
Will fade away

Everytime i try to fly
I fall without my wings
I feel so small
I guess i need you baby
And everytime i see you in my dreams
I see your face, you're haunting me
I guess i need you baby

( Ecoute ça : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7g6F1Sjz2KQ )

Lady Shiny


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 174 mardi 28 juin 2011, 19:11:12

Je voudrais ... faire partager une musique. D'un duo fabuleux ...


La chanson s'appelle Evelyn-Evelyn.

Lien : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pixkuUL9LgU
( et il faut l'écouter. Na. )

... Cette chanson est tout ce qu'il y a de plus fabuleux, de plus magique, de plus poignant.

Evelyn, Evelyn
why do we bother to stay?
why are you running away?
don't you feel like severing?
everything's just come together at last...
it's broken, I don't want to play!

we grew up,
closer than most...
closer than anything...
closer than anything...
shared our bed,
and wore the same clothes
talked about everything
spoke about so many things

what shall we wear tonight?
what shall we eat today?
can we go ice skating?
but we just did that yesterday...
should we be fireman?
can we be astronauts?
what if the find us?
they're not looking anyway...

Evelyn, Evelyn
why do we bother to stay?
why are you running away?
don't you feel like severing?
everything's just come together at last...
it's broken, I don't want to play!

fill my glass!
let's drink a toast!
this is our birthday...
so, why are we weeping?
at your side, I feel like a ghost...
I wake up first and I stare at you sleeping...

what shall we wear tonight?
what shall we eat today?
do you think I should marry him?
but we just met him yesterday...
should we be movie stars?
will we be millionaires?
I want to be famous!
they're watching us anyway...

Evelyn, Evelyn
why do we bother to stay?
why are you running away?
don't you feel like severing?
everything's just come together at last...
it's broken, I don't want to play!

we grew up,
so very close...
a parasite little host...

I'm only trying to do what is best for us!

well, I never asked for this! I never wanted this!
all that I want is some time to myself!

looking in your eyes, I'm coming home...

just get away from me!
please just stop touching me!
you're always trying to be somebody else!

now I realize I'm not alone...

well, you're only scared of me!
but you never cared for me!
why don't you let me breathe?
cause you never dare to be!

cause you never listen, and you're always insisting on just reminiscing I feel something missing!

I just want my privacy... why can't you leave me alone?
I just want you hear with me... god, can't you just get a loan?

Evelyn, Evelyn ...

La vie peut se rassasier de plaisir mais elle est toujours affamée de douleur - Jose Carlos Somoza

Itami no Kyô


  • -
  • Messages: 2817

  • FicheChalant

    Entité chaotique mi-Dieu, mi-chieur, mi-playboy. Ça fait beaucoup de moitiés, c'est parce qu'il est très grand.

Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 175 vendredi 01 juillet 2011, 09:53:07

Sum 41 - Open your eyes

I'm not quite myself.
I do need some help.
Just my confusion,
Trust my delusion.

Don't you,
Regret you met me.
Go through,
These steps to get me,
Back to where we start,
'Fore I fall apart.

If I could black out,
It'd become so clear,
Standing face-to-face with everything I fear.
Watch so closely,
but still I don't see.
As bad as it seems,
a piece of mind I steal,
An ordinary life,
But consequences real.
I'm past the point of reality.

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
But it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's like a bad dream,
Coming all so true,
Leaving me with nothing else left to do.
Now so helpless,
I'm not so selfish.
Tell me,
How does it feel to have a face like that,
How does it feel to be replaced like that.
Now so faceless,
Do you still feel?

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
But it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through.

It's hard to believe right now,
This seems to be real.
Still phasing by this time,
So why can't I wake up.

This isn't me,
This isn't you,
But it's just everything we do.
Till you open up your eyes,
and understand this isn't real.
This isn't me,
This isn't you,
This is everything but true,
Till we come to realize,
It's what we put each other through
Œil pour œil, dent pour dent.
Deuil pour deuil, sang pour sang.
Je purifie les maux par le feu,
je purifie le feu par les mots.

Your sorrow, your past, your path, your wrath. No justice, no prophets, no master, no regrets.



Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 176 jeudi 07 juillet 2011, 23:42:15

Queen - We Will Rock You (Ouais, j'avais envie.)

Buddy you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Kickin' your can all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy you're a young man hard man
Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on your face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Buddy you're an old man poor man
Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place

We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you

Kit by fothermucking Frig !

Goph ZaChuek


Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 177 jeudi 07 juillet 2011, 23:55:58

Artiste: Alice Cooper

Album: Dragontown

Chanson: Dragontown

Well, here you are
Lying bleeding on a grimy street
See the broken glass sparkling darkly
As it cuts your feet
Smell the rottingy stench
The rancid odor of old cantonese
Reflections of the shattered dreams
Feel the toxic flames all around you
You can hardly breathe
Come with me

Come on. I've got something to show you
Come on. You thought that it was over
Come on. You're really gonna love this
Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

We can dig you a hole deep in the ground
Bury your soul down in Dragontown
We'll he lower than low
Spiralin' down
Far as you want to go down
In Dragontown

Open any door
Remember everyone you met before
Oh. There's a wicked young man
Cooking slowly the frying pan
And the family of bones are back together sleeping all alone
Then there's Alice, dear
And all the little things that got him here
Now you're here
Come on. I've got something to show you
Come on. You thought that it was over
Come on. You're really gonna love this
Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.

We can dig you a hole deep in the ground
Bury your soul down in Dragontown
We'll he lower than toll
Spiralin' down
Far as you want to go down
In Dragontown

We can dig you a hole deep in the ground
Bury your soul down in Dragontown
We'll he lower than toll
Spiralin' down
Far as you want to go down
In Dragontown

We can dig you a hole deep in the ground
Bury your soul down in Dragontown
We'll he lower than toll
Spiralin' down
Far as you want to go down
In Dragontown

Nombres de demoiselles servies: 3



Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 178 vendredi 08 juillet 2011, 01:19:33

Bernard Lavilliers - Je cours


Résonner mes pieds sur l’asphalte
Souffle tapant dans mes tympans, je cours
Allongée la foulée de rêve
Je suis plus dans le marche ou crève, je cours
Entre les blocs entre les grilles
Et dans l’intérêt des familles, je cours
Je déroule le tissu urbain entre Italie et Pantin, je cours
Et puis la montée d’endorphine
C’est meilleur que la cocaïne, je cours
Je cavale dans le monde entier
Et personne ne me court après
Jamais... Je cours
Maintenant plus rien ne m’arrête
Je suis un nuage une flèche, je cours
Il y dans le creux de mes reins
La locomotive des reins, je cours
Mes poumons ont de l’amplitude
Je vais prendre de l’altitude je cours
Comme un forcené un dément
Contre la montre à contre temps, je cours
Mes tendons me tapent sur les nerfs
Mes chaussures ont des coussins d’air, je cours
Je cours plus vite qu’une balle
plus vite qu’une attaque cérébrale, je cours, je cours
Sur les toits de ce vieux Parnasse
Sur les traces de Fantômas, je cours
Surtout lorsque le jour se lève
Sur les chômeurs et sur la grève, je cours
Au-delà du bien et du mal
Je peux vous dire que ça fait mal, je cours
Résonner mes pieds sur l’asphalte
Souffle tapant dans mes tympans, je cours
Allongée la foulée de rêve
Je suis plus dans le marche ou crève, je cours
Entre les blocs entre les grilles
Et dans l’intérêt des familles, je cours, je cours
Je cours toujours plus vite, je cours

Bizarrement, cette chanson me fait penser à Cowboy Bebop.
Je n'accepte aucun rp avec ce compte! (Mais mes doublettes sont toujours disponibles)

Votre niveau intellectuel après être passé chez moi (âmes sensibles s'abstenir)

Qiang Long


Re : Re : Karaoké-bar

Réponse 179 vendredi 08 juillet 2011, 07:17:36

Artiste: Finntroll

Album: Trollhammaren

Chanson: Trollhammaren

Bonne chance pour comprendre les paroles. XD Vive les traducteurs! :D

Bland skuggor rider en odjur.
Som en svarta träd.
Griper hård på en mäktig hammar.
Ut för svaga kristna blod.


Trollhammaren sveper igen!
Hugga ned, broder igen!
Hör det sista ropet -
Trollhammaren är här!


Han är inte en människa.
Inte bräcklig och svag som dig.
Du ska vara maktlös.
Inga ögon ser din änd.


Sedan mörkret övertog.
Räds den frostens kalla fingrar.
Som griper tag och förlever.
Under kommande vinternatt.



Bon, bon, je suis sympa, voici la traduction anglaise:

The Troll Hammer

Amongst the shadows rides a beast
Like a black tree
Gripping hard a mighty hammer
Looking for weak Christian blood

The Troll Hammer!
The Troll Hammer!

The Troll Hammer, swoops again!
Strike down, brother again!
Hear the last howl -
The Troll Hammer is here!

He is not human
Not fragile and weak like you
You will be helpless
No eyes see your end

The Troll Hammer!
The Troll Hammer!

Then the darkness took control
Fearing the cold fingers of frost
That take hold and persist
During coming winter night
The Troll Hammer!
The Troll Hammer!
The Troll Hammer!

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